Zaila egiten ari zait pandemia global baten infernuan, infernua ez dena aurkitzea. Baina suposatzen dut zeharka bada ere, hori dela "The social distance project" webgunea. Jendeak bidaltzen dituen itxialdiko relationship drama anonimoak biltzen ditu (hots, infernuak) eta donazioak jasotzen ditu gero Estatu Batuetako hainbat proiektu sozialetara bideratzeko. Badakit karitatearena ez dela bidea, baina tira, emaiozue aukera bat asuntoari, gure berezko zitalkeria entretenitzeko bakarrik bada ere.
Meg Zukin deituriko kazetari batek hasi zuen tweet batekin. 5000 dolar espero zituen (1$ batekin hasierako istorioak GDoc batean irakurtzeko sarbidea zenuen). Orain arte 8900 dolar bildu ditu eta istorioak jende guztiarentzat eskuragarri daude webgune honetan.
Hemen, adibide batzuk:
I’m secretly happy we can’t go outside.
Less opportunities for him to meet someone new.
each sigh is another reminder
I'm staying with my parents, my brother, and his girlfriend. It is tense. And each night, brother and girlfriend release their tension by loudly having sex in the shower, as if the water will cover the noises. The bathroom shares a wall with my room, so the water covers no noises. Each sigh is another reminder of how I haven't had human contact with a normal person in ? number of weeks, and even worse, I forgot to bring my vibrator. I really wish my parents kept more alcohol in this house.
cheese, fuckin cheese
Today me and my wife got in an argument over why she slices the block of cheese with a potato peeler when we have a perfectly good cheese grater in the drawer, and even when I got it out and gave it to her she proceeded to slice the cheese with the potato peeler anyway, so it ended in a right barney and we didn't talk to each other for the rest of the day.